Design Camp Before & Afters Part 2: Kids’ Art Space Transformations
I had planned on writing this post in January of 2019, almost a year ago, to share some of the awesome before and after photos from the Fall 2018 session of Design Camp. As you may have read in a previous post, my plans were hijacked by a few intense illnesses, a long hospital stay, and a year of recovery.
I’m excited to finally share some of the art spaces that came out of the last session of Design Camp.
Art Space 1
Art Space 2
Art Space 3
Art Space 4
After 2:
After Storage:
One of my favorite parts of this room is the new cork wall for their art display. It showcases the artwork so much better than having a variety of work taped up around the room as it was before. I suggested this idea after seeing Meri Cherry put one up in her kitchen. She shares how she did it in this post.
This design camp participant ended up putting the cork onto a large piece of plywood so that it can be moved around if needed.
Not everyone wanted to share their art spaces online, which I can understand, but I’m so glad that these families were willing to let me post their before and after photos. I hope it helps you see what incredible changes can be made in less than 2 months.
Every time I hear from a family when the course is over, they say that they are so happy with their new art space and that their kids use the space every day. It’s really the best thing I could hear and it reminds me how rewarding it is to help families in this way.
If you are interested in setting up an art space for your child or children, I hope you will join me in the next session of Art Pantry Design Camp. The Winter 2020 session will begin on January 13th and is now open for registration.
Click here to learn more about Design Camp or to save your spot.
Happy Holidays!