You probably know by now that I’m all about art, design, and child-led learning, but there’s one hot topic where I feel sadly inadequate when it comes to working with kids. That topic is STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math). Thankfully, the new STE(A)M initiatives have added the A for Art so I’m not at a total loss! I have been learning more about how to engage my kids in STEAM activities and am excited to share a new resource that is helping me do this.
Read More›Last weekend I was invited to host a creative activity at a fundraiser for the Make-A-Wish Foundation. If you don’t know who they are, this amazing organization helps to grant wishes to kids with terminal illnesses. Some kids wish to travel, perform on stage, meet their idols or even become their idol for a day! It was so special to meet some of the “wish kids” and help bring a smile to their faces with a fun, creative project.
Read More›I announced this amazing news 2 weeks ago on Instagram and have been waiting for the reality of it to sink in. It still doesn’t feel real, but here goes…
In late February 2017, my family and I will be hitting the road for 3 months in an Airstream trailer and hosting pop-up art experiences across the US. What?!
Are you a fan yet of the blog, Deep Space Sparkle? If you’ve never heard of it, it is a fun, beautiful site packed with incredible art lessons and tons of great resources for teachers and parents.
I have been inspired by Patty’s blog for years and have always admired her- so of course I was thrilled when she asked me to be a guest on her new podcast, Art Made Easy.
Patty asked me to talk about my story of how I transitioned from a preschool teacher to becoming an entrepreneur and designing kids creative spaces. I also give tips on setting up art spaces in the home and putting out “invitations to create.”
If you’d like to check it out, click here to head over to Deep Space Sparkle and you can listen directly from the blog post or listen on iTunes or Stitcher.
Last Saturday The Art Pantry team was invited to create a playful family experience for the Walk For Wishes event held at Google Headquarters in Mountain View, Ca. This was a fundraiser for the Make-A-Wish Greater Bay Area foundation to raise money in order to fulfill the wishes of kids with life-threatening medical conditions. If you haven’t heard of them, check out the Batkid wish they granted almost two years ago. Incredible.
I’m happy to say that the event raised enough money to grant 13 wishes!
Read More›Have you tried setting out “invitations to create” for your kids? Sometimes referred to as art prompts or provocations, invitations to create can help kids get excited about working with art materials in new ways. They are simply an invitation to engage with the materials laid out in front of them. You can learn more about invitations to create here.
I have found that an invitation, in and of itself, can be a quick and easy activity when a child needs a little prompting. But it can also spark inspiration and become a gateway to exploring other materials for a drawn-out creative session. Either way, invitations are all about the creative process, which is why they are one of my favorite ways to engage young children in the arts.
Read More›For the past 13 years I have been on a mission to help kids gain creative confidence by exposing them to artistic materials and process-oriented art at a young age. I believe that being creative and understanding how to use tools and materials to make things is an essential part of learning.
I am a strong believer in the Reggio Emilia saying, “the environment is the third teacher” (the first two teachers being adults and peers). When we create spaces in our homes that are stocked with interesting tools and materials- that are organized and inviting- we are giving our kids the message that they are creative and capable little beings. We are inviting them to explore the world around them through these materials so that they will gain confidence in their natural creative abilities and take these skills with them as they grow older.
Through my work I help clients design art spaces in their homes and schools. But this is not enough. I want to reach more families than is possible with a one-on-one service, so I created this guide for you to tackle it on your own. The New Playroom offers all of the insights that I have learned over a decade of working with kids in creative settings. I take you through my design process when working with clients and give you every tip and trick in my tool belt. And if you ever have a question or need a little encouragement, I’m here for you.
Thanks for joining me in this launch day celebration!
Click here to learn more about the guide or to make a purchase. And don’t forget about the bonus guide, which includes 30 days of easy art prompts!
Head over to Design Mom to see more photos and read the interview. Thanks!