Episode 10: Kids’ Art Spaces

This is a mini solo podcast episode, where I share the inspiration behind my business, The Art Pantry. I talk about why I view kids’ art spaces as workshops and what kids learn in them that goes way beyond art. I also share about my online course, Design Camp, and have a free download for you with art prompts for kids that are based on the skills I discuss in this episode.

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It’s Not About Art: Skill-building in the studio

The other day I was going through photos of our art space over the years and it hit me how much my girls have learned from having a dedicated art space in our home.

I always say that having an art space is about so much more than just having a place to do art. But I realized that maybe I take this for granted and maybe other people don’t know what happens in an art space over time.

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Podcast Episode 7: Back To School: Tips on setting up kids’ workspaces, organizing, and creating more joy and family connection.

It’s Back to School time so Aaron and I thought it would be helpful to share our unique perspectives on the subject. Since I’m a designer and organizer, I share tips on setting up your home environment for back to school success. Aaron is a family coach and education consultant so he shares tips on how to re-think your daily routines to create more peace, joy, and connection in your family.

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Episode 6: Julia Linsteadt on Creativity, Education, Motherhood, Entrepreneurship, and Intuition

Our first guest interview!

In episode 6 of Muse and the Catalyst, we interview Julia Linsteadt, mother of 2, art teacher, and co-founder of KidArtLit. We talk about creativity, flow, art, education, motherhood, self-care, collaboration, community, running a creative business, and how following our intuition never leads us astray. Julia also talks about a near-death experience in her early 20’s and how it lead her to go after her dreams.

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