Holiday DIY Gift- Succulent Terrarium

This holiday season, I wanted to come up with a gift for teachers, party hosts, friends, etc. that I could make in multiples without breaking the bank. Inspired by Karen Kimmel’s Crafting Community, I decided that mason jar succulent terrariums would be perfect!

As I began creating my first jar, Karuna (my 4 yr old), asked if she could make one too. Of course, why didn’t I think of that! These little layered terrariums are super easy for kids to make on their own. They always come out beautiful, which make them the perfect kids’ crafting gift for family, friends, and especially teachers.
Small succulent (garden store)
Mason jar (pack of 12 from General store, hardware store or Bed Bath & Beyond)
Decorative rocks (from garden store and/or pet store. The blue rocks are for fish tanks!)
Moss (from garden store)
Colored sand (from craft store)
Dirt (from yard or garden store)

1)Layer the rocks, moss, sand and dirt into the jar any way you want!
2)Put some dirt at the top and make a little hole to pop in the succulent roots.
3)Scatter decorative items on top if you want and drizzle a bit of water over the top.
For a gift tag, wrap some twine around the top and tie on a tag. Easy Peasy!

Spiderweb Printmaking

For some creative Halloween decorations, we decided to try out these styrofoam spiderweb prints, seen over at Tinkerlab. We started off by cutting out two circles of foam from our Scratch Foam Boards (affiliate link), but you could also use a Styrofoam plate.
Karuna and I weren’t sure exactly how to draw a spiderweb, so we looked up a photo of one online and talked about the lines and shapes in the web. Then we each took a stab at it, and drew our version of a spiderweb and spider onto our plates.
Next we used a ball point pen over our drawings to make deep grooves in the foam. Here are our finished printing plates:

To make a print, we used a brayer (affiliate link) –a foam paint roller would do fine as well- to roll out paint onto the foam plates. In addition to black paint, we were excited to try our glow in the dark paint left over from Karuna’s birthday. We had fun swapping plates to ink and print over and over again.

After rolling out the paint, we pressed a piece of paper onto the plate, rubbed it carefully, then peeled it up to reveal our print. For an added pop of color, we used a small paint brush to paint in the spider with the opposite color.

And here are some final prints, taped to our doorway for Halloween! I haven’t yet seen whether the glow in the dark one actually works, but the yellow looks pretty cool anyway.

Happy Halloween!

Update and Cutie Pie

Hello! This cutie is part of the reason I’ve been an absentee blogger recently. I have also been hard at work revamping my online shop. The new site will be much more user friendly and totally awesome!  Another big change that has occurred over the summer is the sale of my children’s art studio. Being a stay at home mom, running a studio, and running an online shop was spreading me too thin. I made the tough but exciting decision to sell the studio to Jhaya Warmington, the incredible teacher who worked for me.
Karuna continues to take art class and loved making these butterfly wings in her garden art workshop!

Now I can finally breath, play with my kids, and focus on creating a great online shopping experience for your children’s creative needs.

Glow In the Dark Birthday Goodie Bag!

For my daughter’s 4th birthday, she wanted to celebrate with a few friends at an outdoor movie theater. It was her first time watching anything on the big screen and her first attempt at watching The Lion King (which proved to be too scary for 4 yr olds. Oops!). Although the movie part was kind of a disaster, the kids at least got to go home with a cool glow in the dark goodie bag! If anyone had stayed til it got dark out it would have been really cool. So if you’re looking for a fun party favor idea for a sleepover or nighttime party, here is how I made it:

The largest item in the bag was a mask, which I made by painting glow-in-the-dark paint over white plastic masks (I primed them with spray primer first, just to make sure the paint would stick). Then I added glow stick bracelets and whatever glow-in-the-dark items I could find, which turned out to be stickers and little plastic bugs. If I had given myself more time, I’m sure I could have found plenty of other little glowing goodies to add. I also threw in some candy just for fun. Then I put everything in a see through bag so the items would be exposed to as much light as possible.
If we were doing the party at home I would have had them paint their own masks or even a tee shirt or cape or something fun!

Happy birthday sweet Karuna!