Birthday Party Photo Booth!

DIY Kids Photo Booth from The Art Pantry


We recently celebrated Ora’s second birthday with a “lollipop” themed party (she was given a lollipop on Halloween – her very first candy- and has been obsessed ever since!).
We wanted to keep it simple with a few neighborhood friends, some face painting, and lots of food on sticks! We bought a bunch of lollipop sticks from a kitchen supply store and served all of our appetizers lollipop style.

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Meet Rebecca Picker of Studio Sprout!

Rebecca Picker is a mother of 3, performer, costume designer, and founder of Studio Sprout, a children’s art studio and discovery garden in Santa Cruz, California. Rebecca and I have been friends since first meeting in college at UC Santa Cruz. When we re-connected at a college reunion a few years ago, she was super excited to hear about how I had started a toddler art studio out of my back cottage.  This got her thinking…
With a little encouragement from me and a lot of talent and drive on her part, she too was able to start a successful children’s art studio at home. I recently spent a morning at her art studio enjoying her amazing program and finding out a little more about how she managed to follow her passions and create a fulfilling business as a stay at home mom.

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Wildflower Seed Bombs

It’s almost springtime, my favorite time of year. The sun is lingering around a little longer these days and delicate flower blossoms are popping up along the branches of our bare trees. As we begin to plan for our spring garden projects, I’m also thinking of ways to bring our art activities outdoors. One artful garden project that we love to do is make seed bombs. Seed bombs are small masses of clay, mixed with soil and seeds that will grow in any plot of land with a little water and sun. They are often used as a guerrilla gardening tactic to bring beauty to barren, abandoned city lots. Just toss them on top, no digging necessary!

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DIY Valentines from the Heart

DIY Valentines from the Heart- The Art Pantry

Encourage kids to express authentic gratitude and love this Valentines Day, by making something from the heart. Handmade Valentines are easier than you think! Just set up a Valentine crafting station with some fun supplies like blank cards, patterned paper, fancy scissors, glitter glue, markers, washi tape, stamps ,stickers, or whatever else you have around. Invite your children to make their own Valentine cards for friends and family. If they need a little inspiration, you can create a few samples ahead of time, or sit down and work along side them!



Handmade cards are filled with so much love and joy. I’ll take that over candy any day!


What Makes The Best Kid’s Gift?

5 reasons why art supplies make the best gifts for kids

Ever since I was a little girl I have looked forward to the entire month of December. To me, this time of year is about celebration, decadence, warmth, indulgence, creating, giving, and receiving.  As I’ve grown older, I’ve become much more of a minimalist, but Christmas just doesn’t seem right without a pile of presents under the tree. 
With Hanukkah coming early this year, my girls have already begun amassing a new collection of toys and it has got me thinking about a better plan for the influx of Christmas gifts soon to come.  This plan includes sorting through and donating old toys with the girls, but it also includes being strategic in gift giving.  When it comes to holidays or birthdays, art supplies are now at the top of my list for gifts.

5 reasons why art supplies make the best gifts for kids:

1) Art supplies are consumable- they get used up and don’t contribute to toy clutter

2) They promote skills such as creative thinking, self-expression, fine motor skills, & many more!

3) They can be shared with siblings and friends

4) They can be used to make new gifts or thank you cards for others

5) Kids love them!

Nominate A Family In Need

I am so grateful and fortunate to be able to offer my kids this kind of creative enrichment and holiday abundance. If you know a child or family who does not have the means for holiday gifts, please leave a comment or e-mail me and we will send a creative gift package to a few kids in need.