Do you have art supplies tucked away in a cabinet or closet? If so, you might relate to my recent client who was having trouble organizing her art supplies in her hall closet.
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If you’re in the Bay Area this weekend, please visit us at our first ever Art Pantry pop-up shop. Remember all of our awesome kids art supplies and crafty gifts? They will all be on sale now that we have cleared out the warehouse. Most items will be 50% off retail prices.
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Our shop has closed its doors…
Closing our online store has been bittersweet. So much hard work and love has gone into our store and it’s been tough to let it go. It doesn’t mean that we won’t source great products and share them with you anymore, we just won’t be the ones selling them to you. Through our new blog, we’ll be sharing these great finds as well as helpful tips and information for your kids’ creative journey. And of course, we’ll finally be able to fully focus on our design services for children’s art spaces.
I for one, am excited to get back to doing what I love- which is focusing on you, your art space, and how to keep your kids engaged in the creative process.
Thank you so much for your continued support!
PS. If you want to stay up to date with Art Pantry news, ideas, and giveaways, sign up for our newsletter here.
I’m excited to share my latest e-design project with you! I was recently hired to help a mom of two girls, ages 3 and 7, get their art nook organized. Her goal was to refresh the space with new containers (that fit better aesthetically and spatially), find a solution for accessing supplies in the deep cabinets, and get inspiration for new materials and projects for her kids.
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I’m excited to share our art space with you! To celebrate the launch of our new Art Pantry Design Services, you can find me over at Tinkerlab chatting with Rachelle about our art space. If you’re inspired to get started with an art space for your kids, I’d love to help! Just check out the Design Services to get started.
Update: After you read the interview, come back and checkout our newly organized art space in this post.