Do you ever wonder how to incorporate an art space into your child’s play space? Whether or not you have a dedicated space for either, art and play go hand in hand.
These pics are from a space I recently finished in a client’s sunroom. It used to be a dramatic play space for her two kids, but she knew they would use it more often if it was an art studio. My client wasn’t sure what to do when her 3 year old daughter wouldn’t let her move the play kitchen and “market” out of the room.
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Head over to Design Mom to see more photos and read the interview. Thanks!
Let me know in the comments if you try out any of my tips and how they’re working for you. Enjoy!
Here’s a sneak peek at the art space I am currently working on. The project is to design a full art studio for a 15 month old and 3.5 year old with a table for Mom and Dad as well. The space is the bottom floor of a back unit that used to be a kitchen, making it the perfect spot for an art studio. It has a country vibe, but my client’s design style is a mix of country, traditional, eclectic, and natural/organic (with a hint of modern). I threw in some industrial elements that work well in an art studio and this is what I came up with (within her budget).
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