1s Oil Pastels, Bleeding Tissue… and Messy fun!
After using the oil pastels, I offered the children small squares of bleeding tissue paper to place over their drawings. Then they soaked the tissue paper with water (trying hard to squeeze the spray bottle triggers). As the color from the tissues began to bleed onto the paper, the kids added glitter and found some tools to move the tissues around. Once the tissues dry, they will fall off and leave a beautiful painting in their place.
Soon, the kids were moving around the studio, painting at the easels and trying out the splat painting that the older classes were working on.
The 1s group wasn’t so interested in throwing the cotton balls for the splat painting, but they enjoyed working with the materials in other ways!
Towards the end of class a couple of kids saw a plate of paint on the floor and began to take off their shoes. I grabbed some paper and let them go at it!
Making footprints is really slippery, so I made sure to hold them steady as they squished their toes in the paint.
I can’t wait for hot summer days when we can do body painting outside on the grass!